Color Matching of a Single Shade Structurally Colored Universal Resin Composite with the Surrounding Hard Dental Tissues

Document Type : Original Article


1 64-osthman ben affan st., heliopolice

2 Operative department, faculty of dentistry, modern university for technology and information

3 operative dentistry, Cairo university


Color matching between the resin composite and the teeth is the most aimed target by
the patient to evaluate the quality of the treatment. The aim was to investigate the ability
of the uni-shade restorative material to match the tooth shade and the blending effect of
the single shade structurally colored universal resin composite. Materials and methods
disc shaped specimen (6×2 mm) were prepared from Omnichroma® single shade resin
composite. Color shade was recorded for 10 freshly extracted premolars by Easyshade®
according to CIE Lab system. Standardized class V cavities (4×2×1.5 mm) were prepared
on the buccal surface of each tooth away 0.5mm from the CEJ. Cavities were then
restored with resin composite, cured for 40s, and their color was recorded after 24 hours
storage in distal water. Two tests have been done, the first was to determine the
differences of the color parameters between disc and resin composite in teeth (T1). The
second was to record the change in color between the sound teeth and the resin
composite in teeth (T2). The color change data statistically analyzed using paired t-test. It
was considered statistically significant at(a=0.05). Results All color parameters in the
two tests showed significant changes except (ΔL) in T2 which showed nonsignificant
differences. The specimens showed decrease in lightness and showed shifting toward the
green and yellow direction, while in T2 they became lighter than the teeth and directed
toward the green and blue scale. Conclusion OMNICHROMA single shade resin
composite matches the shade of enamel.
