Researching and writing a paper:
• Choose a topic that could be adequately covered.
• Find relevant references.
• Read, evaluate, and take notes from references.
• Keep track of where the information came from.
• Develop a workable method to achieve your aim.
• Work up an outline.
• Write the first draft.
• Revise and revise again.
• Document the references you drew upon.
• Prepare the final draft and proofread.
Researching and writing a paper:
• Choose a topic that could be adequately covered.
• Find relevant references.
• Read, evaluate, and take notes from references.
• Keep track of where the information came from.
• Develop a workable method to achieve your aim.
• Work up an outline.
• Write the first draft.
• Revise and revise again.
• Document the references you drew upon.
• Prepare the final draft and proofread.
• Choose a topic that could be adequately covered.
• Find relevant references.
• Read, evaluate, and take notes from references.
• Keep track of where the information came from.
• Develop a workable method to achieve your aim.
• Work up an outline.
• Write the first draft.
• Revise and revise again.
• Document the references you drew upon.
• Prepare the final draft and proofread.
• Theses should be clearly typed on a laser printer on one side only of an A4 paper (unless otherwise specified by a relevant authority).
• The left margin should not be less than 40 mm.
• The top margin should not be less than 30 mm with the page number about 15mm below the top and in the middle of the page.
• The right and lower margins should not be less than 20mm.
• Leading pages should be numbered using small roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc…) centered in the lower margin.
• The text should be as clear and concise as possible.
• Avoid the use of difficult words, and keep the sentences as short as possible (gener- ally, try to make sentences of not more than 20 words, preferably less).
• Candidates should express their own findings in the past tense.
• The present tense should be used when referring to existing knowledge, or where the candidate is referring to what is concluded.
• The change of tense clarifies the distinction between the candidate’s contribution and what is already known.
• Always write in the third person and avoid pronouns such as “you” and “I”.
Leading pages consist of:
• Title Page.
• Supervisors (for a thesis).
• Acknowledgement.
• Dedication (if any) (for a thesis).
• Table of Contents (for a thesis).
• List of Tables (for a thesis).
• List of Figures (for a thesis).
• List of Abbreviations (for a thesis).
• The first impression is strong and is usually a lasting impression.
• For this reason all words in the title should be chosen with great care and their association with one another should be carefully managed.
• During preparing the title, the author should remember that it is the title that will be read by thousands of people; only a few, if any, will read the entire paper. A good title should fulfill the following requirements:
1. Be as concise and as informative as possible.
2. Avoid the use of needless words.
3. The animal species (if any) should be indicated.
4. The type of method should be mentioned e.g. Histological, Cytochemical, Electron microscopic etc.
5. Avoid the use of abbreviations.
6. Only in rare occasions, when the abbreviation is very well known and the original is very long, the abbreviation can be included in the title.
7. An example is the acquired immune deficiency syndrome for which the abbreviation “AIDS” is perhaps more famous than the original name.
8. Avoid excess words or the socalled “waste words” which usually appear at the start of the title and add nothing to the meaning; examples of such words are “Studies on….”, “Investigation on” and “Observations on ….”.
9. Be as specific as possible. Avoid general terms.
10. Give great attention to the syntax (word order) in the title as it may lead to a change in the meaning.
11. Avoid the use of question titles, for example “Growth Centers, False or True?” as it may lead to some problems in indexing.
12. No period at the end of titles.
· The abstract can be defined as being a brief version of a paper, providing a summary of each major section of the paper, except the references section.
. A well prepared abstract will enable readers to identify the basic contents of a paper quickly and accurately, and decide whether they are interested in reading the paper in its entirety or not.
· Requirements of a good abstract are listed below:
1. It should state the principal objectives and scope of the investigation.
2. Should describe the material and the methods used.
3. Should summarize the results.
4. Should state the principal conclusions.
5. Should not exceed 250-300 words.
6. Should be written in the past tense as it refers to work that has already been done.
7. Should not include any references, except in very rare occasions as a modification of a previously published method.
· The opening statement of the introduction is very important.
· A succinct statement of the problem to be investigated within the context of a review of relevant literature.
· Reference should be limited to literature directly relevant to the subject.
· Include references to literature relevant to inferences or arguments to be presented in the discussion.
. Avoid literal quotations; when necessary, always enclose them within quotation marks.
· Summarize or paraphrase ideas of a reference into your own words and acknowledge the source.
· The review may conclude with a statement of the reason for undertaking the work.
· It should not state what was done nor should it state the findings.
· In theses, the aim of the study should be explicitly stated.
· It should clearly indicate all the aspects that the investigator intends to explore.
· In theses, especially Doctorate theses, it is the depth of the investigation that counts.
· Therefore, the aim should be as restricted in scope as possible, but the problem should be investigated in great detail.
· The exact technical specifications and quantities as well as source and method of preparation should be specified.
· The genus, species and strain of experimental animal, as well as other characteristics as age, sex, weight etc should be specified.
· Sufficient details should be provided to enable another investigator to exactly repeat the procedure.
· Criteria of selection of human subjects should be specified.
· An informed consent should be obtained and included.
· It must be made clear that conditions in animal experiments were humane.
· Results should be given clearly and concisely.
· Findings should be stated factually without drawing analogies to other findings.
· Avoid drawing inferences that belong to the discussion.
· Presentation of the same data in more than one form (text, tables, histograms) in papers is not recommended, but may be acceptable in theses.
· Statistically analyzed results should include the numbers, their mean values and variance.
· State the method of statistical analysis.
· Statistical significance should give the probability level set as significant (e.g. p
· May start by explaining what has been done and why the presented results were obtained.
· Inferences drawn from results and comparisons with previous findings are presented.
· Results and findings should not be repeated here, or may only be briefly recapitulated to make the argument clear.
· Should explain how the work fits into the general scheme of knowledge on the subject, and compare the work to findings referenced in the review of the literature.
· Use transitions to connect parts of the discussion and to show logical relations. Anumber of words and phrases suitable for this purpose are:
1. To signal contrast: but, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, still, though, yet, despite, although, whereas, however.
2. To signal result or dependence: then, as a result, therefore, hence, consequently, because, thus, so.
3. To signal additional relationship: first, second, furthermore, in addition, besides, equally, another, also, last(ly), finally.
· Reference should be made to tables, graphs and figures presented in the results.
· Indicate the theoretical implications and practical or clinical applications of your results.
· The main conclusions could be stated.
Although the use of abbreviations has increased during the past few years in all types of writing, yet it is wise to keep the use of abbreviations at a minimum.
· Do not use abbreviations in the title unless they are common knowledge.
· When it is desirable to use an abbreviation, spell out the whole expression, followed by the abbreviation between parentheses, the first time it appears in the text.
· Next, use the abbreviation alone in place of the expression.
· Avoid using abbreviations in the abstract.
· Remember that the abstract should be completely informative by itself, as it will stand alone in all abstracting and indexing publications.
· Do not abbreviate a term that is used only a few times.
· Remember that you can avoid abbreviations by using the suitable pronoun (it, they, them) or by using a suitable expression as “the drug”, “the chemical” or “the disease”.
· The new trend is away from using periods after the abbreviations, especially when in upper case.
· Periods are still used with lower case abbreviation (in., no.) and used with space after initials for personal names (M. A. Latif).
· In abbreviations with an internal period there should be no space after the internal period (N.Y., Ph.D., U.S.A.).
· One digit numbers should always be written in letters, e.g. one, two, three, etc.
· Two or more digit numbers should be written in Arabic numerals e.g. 12, 23, 454.
· When a sentence begins with a number, always write it in letters e.g. Ten percent of cases were found to be …..
· The essential organizing principle of numbering systems is that the main topic ap- pears at the left margin, while subtopics are indented to the right.
· The indentation presents a visual display of the relationship among ideas in the thesis.
· The numbers and letters are there to clarify the nature of those relations, in the scientific system:
1. Capital Roman numbers indicate main topics.
2. Capital letters indicate the first subdivision.
3. Arabic numerals indicate the second subdivision etc.
· With the exception of numbers and letters enclosed in parentheses, each letter and number is followed by a period.
· There is no period at the end of entries in titles and subtitles.
· Each level must be divided at least once. There is no I without II, no “A” without “B”, no 1 without 2 etc…
· If you find yourself with a single subdivision, integrate it into the preceding heading.
· Topics at the same level should be equal in importance and follow logically from the preceding topic.
Example: Writing numerical items flush with the left margin
1. Be simple and concise in important statements.
2. Make sure of the meaning of every word. The more clearly you write the more easily you will be understood.
3. Use verbs instead of abstract nouns.
4. Make your sentences short and clear.
5. Use analogies to explain difficult or unfamiliar matters. This will produce a sense of intimacy between you and your reader.
Or: Preferably, indent the text to clear the number:
1. Be simple and concise in important statements.
2. Make sure of the meaning of every word. The more clearly you write the
more easily you will be understood.
3. Use verbs instead of abstract nouns.
4. Make your sentences short and clear.
5. Use analogies to explain difficult or unfamiliar matters. This will produce a sense of intimacy between you and your reader.
Technical (Scientific) numbering:
1. Year 2011
A. Month
1. First Week
1. Saturday
1. Pathology
2. Medicine
3. Surgery
2. Year 2012
Legal numbering:
· Scientific names of micro-organisms should be binomial.
· The generic name only to be capitalized.
· The name must be given in full in the first mention of the organism.
· The generic name may be abbreviated in subsequent mentions.
· Single letter abbreviations are not acceptable.
· Thus Staph. aureus and Strep. mutans are acceptable, but not S. aureus and S. mutans
· Proper (scientific) names should be used instead of proprietary (trade) names.
· When it is desirable to indicate a particular brand of preparation (the proprietary name), the proper name and source (manufacturer, country and address) should be given between parentheses after the proprietary name.
· There are two styles to express the day, month and year in a thesis or a scientific paper which are:
1. On 28th June 2010 the patient ………
2. On June 28th 2010 the patient……….
· When the day alone is given or when the name of the day is separated from that of the month by one or more words, it is better to spell-out the day as follows:
1. The operation was performed on the sixth of June………..
2. The patient was discharged on the twenty-ninth of the same month………
· When the month and year only are mentioned exclude any punc- tuation between them, as follows:
1. He was discharged in January 2011 ….
2. Spell-out the names of months and week days when they occur in the text.
3. In notes, tables and reference lists they can be abbreviated.
· For writing decades there are two accepted forms which are:
1. In 1990s this technique was accepted……
2. During the nineties, great development in diagnostic mo- dalities occurred.
· The general principles for the use of different marks of punctuation will be mentioned briefly to acquaint the writer with the proper use of these marks.
Period (.)
· A period is used at the end of all complete declarative sentences and sentences containing indirect questions. This is called “closing period”.
· A period following an abbreviation that comes at the end of a sentence also serves as a closing period.
· Periods are excluded at the end of items of a vertical list or enumeration, except when these items are whole sentences or paragraphs.
· Periods are also excluded at the end of the headings of chapters and parts, side headings, titles of tables and caption of figures unless they consist of more than one sentence.
Question mark (?)
· A question mark is used at the end of a whole sentence containing a question or at the end of a question that forms part of a sentence.
· The first word of a phrase that asks the question is capitalized even if it is included in another sentence.
· A question mark may be used to indicate uncertainty.
Exclamation mark (!)
· Exclamation point is used to mark an emphatic or ironical comment.
· Overuse of this punctuation device should be avoided.
Comma (,)
· This punctuation mark is used to indicate any interruption in continuity of thought of sentence structure.
· When comma is correctly used, it adds much to the ease of reading and understanding of the text, more than any other mark of punctuation.
Semicolon (;)
· A semicolon mark is used when the break in the continuity of the sentence is greater than that indicated by a comma.
· A semicolon should be used between parts of compound sentences, which are composed of two or more clauses, when they are not joined by a conjunction.
· When the clause of a compound sentence is long and there is a comma within them, they should be separated by a semicolon even if they are connected by a conjunction.
· The words “hence”, “however”, “indeed”, “so”, “then”, “thus”, “therefore”, “yet” and the like, when used between the clauses of a compound sentence, should be preceded by a semicolon and followed by a comma.
Colon (:)
· This punctuation mark is used to indicate a discontinuity of gram- matical construc- tion greater than that indicated by a semicolon.
· The semicolon is used to separate parts of the sentence that have an almost equal significance; the colon is used to introduce a clause or phrase that expands, clarifies, or exemplifies the meaning of what precedes it.
Parentheses ( )
· The main use of parentheses in text is to enclose a set of parenthetical elements, to include the source of quotation when footnotes are not used and to set the numbers or letters in an enumeration list.
Brackets [ ]
· Brackets are used to enclose any interpolation, and to enclose
Parenthetical matter within parentheses.
Example: The use of brackets to include parenthetical matter within parentheses
· The book is available in translation (Robert E.C. Concise Medical Dictionary [Oxford Medical Publications. 1985]).
· Tables consist of related information arranged in columns.
· Each table should be a single unit of communication and completely informative in itself.
· The number of the table and a description of its contents should be placed above the table.
· If the table is placed in landscape orientation, the number and description should be placed on the inside of the page (towards the binding).
· Line spacing in tables should be single spacing in large tables, or 11/2 spacing in small tables.
· Abbreviations and asterisks used in the table should be explained in a footnote below the table.
· Tables should supply the maximum information possible so that the text can be shorter and more precise.
· Tables must be referred to in the text.
· When sent for publishing it should be written on a separate sheet of paper and its place indicated in the text.
· Data in the table should be arranged in an order that is most convenient to the readers.
· The title of the table should announce its purpose.
· Each table should be designed to clarify only one variable and lead to only one conclusion.
· The shape of the table depends on the layout of the journal chosen for publication.
· Tables are expensive to print and if large they may be difficult to understand.
· They can be made smaller by omitting unimportant values and eliminating unnecessary words.
· Tables can present numerical data or lists of text. The latter can be called “List Tables”.
· Tables serve to summarize the verbose text or to collect items together.
· You can convey a good deal of information through tables without having to say it all in words.
· A table should be placed as closely as possible to the section of the paper or thesis that refers to it.
· The number of the figure and a legend should be placed below the figure.
· If the figure is placed in landscape, the number and legend should be placed on the outside of the page (away from the binding).
· Legends should be concise but meaningful without having to consult the text.
· Legends should be confined to what could actually be seen in the figure.
· The magnification of photomicrographs should always be stated in the legend.
· Each figure should be referred to in the text.
Photographs and Micrographs
1. Photographs may provide visual evidence of information better than any other form of illustrations.
2. Whether a photograph is essential for a paper or not is a matter of personal judgment.
Requirements of a photograph
· Type the legend on a separate paper.
· Indicate the preferred location in the text.
· Mark the top or what is considered the top of the photograph.
· It is better to make the size of the photograph either column width or page width to avoid reduction.
· If cropping is required put the marks either on the margins or on a tracing paper overlay.
· The photograph should show the required details.
· If there is risk of losing these details by excessive reduction during printing the photograph can be cropped.
· Never put crop marks directly on the photograph.
· An abstract of not more than 200 – 250 words is required in papers (at the beginning).
· A summary is required in theses (at the end).
1. Indicate the principal objectives and scope of the investigation.
2. Briefly describe the materials and methods used.
3. Summarize the results.
4. State the main conclusions.
· This should satisfy the reader that you have said all that is reasonably necessary to establish the credibility of your thesis.
· Do not leave the impression that you have run out of things to say.
· Make clear the significance of your work.
· Explain how it sheds light on the topic you have chosen.
· Indicate that you have used the exact words of a source by enclosing the material in quotation marks (“ ”) or by indenting it.
· Place a parenthetical reference at the end of the quotation to document the source.
· Ideas as well as exact wording should be acknowledged.
· Never present someone else’s language, ideas, or information in such a way that it might be mistaken for your own.
· One should use literal quotations only when:
1. The language of the original is worth preserving.
2. The candidate needs to invoke the authority of the source.
· The reason for literally quoting a source is to create an effect, not to avoid rephrasing the passage into your own words.
· Use literal quotations to enhance your writing, not as a substitute for it.
· A paper that merely assembles quoted passages from various sources is often disjointed.
· There is more than one way to integrate quotations into your work, depending on the length of the quotation.
1. You must, however, always indicate that the passage is a quotation.
2. Always cite the source.
3. Quote accurately.
· Lengthy quotations:
1. A quotation of four or more lines should be set apart from the text of the paper.
2. Prepare the reader for the quotation by explaining whom you are quoting and why.
3. Smoothly introduce the quotation into your own prose.
4. Indent the quotation ten spaces from the left margin of your text.
5. Omit quotation marks at the beginning and end of the passage.
6. Acknowledge the source by placing a reference between parentheses at the end of the passage.
· Brief quotations.
1. Passages of less than four lines are integrated into the text.
2. Prepare the reader for the quotation by explaining whom you are quoting and why.
3. Smoothly introduce the quotation into your own prose.
4. Use quotation marks at the beginning and end of the passage to indicate the quoted text.
5. Quotations should be carefully integrated into the prose so that the complete sentence is grammatical.
6. Introduce the quotation into your text by a suitable word (list).
· Though sources must be quoted accurately, they do not have to be quoted in their entirety. Words, passages or entire sentences can be omitted from the quoted passages provided it is made clear to the reader that the omissions have been made.
· The most common techniques for omitting part of a quotation are:
1. When a word or more are omitted in the middle of a quotation, they should be substituted by an ellipsis (three spaced periods, …) to indicate the omission.
2. When quoting only a phrase, do not use ellipsis at the beginning or end of the quotation.
3. When quoting the first part of a sentence but omitting the last part, use a period followed by an ellipsis (last word of quotation …) .
4. To indicate omission of an entire sentence or more, use four periods with no space before the first period (end of sentence one….beginning of sentence two). In such cases, complete sentences must precede and follow the four periods.
5. Be certain that when you omit and use ellipses the meaning of the original is not changed.
Writes |
Thinks |
Agrees |
Contends |
Comments |
Believes |
Endorses |
Denies |
Notes |
Confirms |
Emphasizes |
Refutes |
Reports |
Affirms |
Argues |
Contradicts |
Discusses |
Declares |
Asserts |
Rejects |
Observes |
Accepts |
Claims |
Repudiates |
· Indicate that you have used the exact words of a source by enclosing the material in quotation marks (“ ”) or indenting it.
1. “Hamartomas are local malformations in which cell types normal to the affected part of the body are present in abnormal proportion”. (Muir’s Pathology).
· Any words that are added to a quotation should be enclosed in square brackets [ ].
· Brackets [ ] are used instead of parentheses ( ) because a reader may assume that the words in parentheses are the words of the source rather than your own.
· Use brackets to alter the grammatical structure of the quotation so that it can be integrated into your sentence.
· Use brackets to indicate that part of the quotation has been underlined for emphasis.
· Use brackets with the Latin word “sic” (meaning thus) to indicate that an error in the quotation is reproduced exactly as it appeared in the original.
· This informs the reader that you were aware of the error rather than responsible for it.
· Use brackets to indicate that you have underlined part of the quotation for emphasis.
1. “Hamartomas are local malformations in which cell types normal to the affected part of the body are present in abnormal proportion [emphasis added]”. (Muir’s Pathology).
· Use brackets with the Latin word “sic” (meaning thus) to indicate that an error in the quotation is reproduced exactly as it appeared in the original. This informs the reader that you were aware of the error rather than responsible for it.
1. “Hamartomas are local malformations in which cell types abnormal [sic] to the effected part of the body are present in abnormal proportion”. (Muir’s Pathology).
· The ethics of sound and honest research demand adequate documentation.
· In writing a research paper, it is crucial to acknowledge the sources of the facts, ideas, opinions, and quotations that you have used.
· This indicates that you have drawn upon the work of experts which adds weight to whatever you are saying.
· You must acknowledge your use of a source whenever you:
1. Quote the exact wording of a source.
2. Paraphrase or summarize someone else’s ideas, opinions, or insights.
3. Use any facts or information not regarded as common knowledge.
Contrast |
Results |
Additional Relationship |
But |
Then |
First |
Nevertheless |
As A Result |
Second |
On The Contrary |
Therefore |
Furthermore |
On The Other Hand |
Hence |
In Addition |
Still |
Consequently |
Besides |
Though |
Because |
Equally |
Yet |
Thus |
Another |
Despite |
So |
Also |
Although |
Last |
However |
· Full references should be given at the end of the paper or thesis. These may be arranged in:
1. Alphabetical order.
2. Numbered Alphabetical order.
3. Sequential (Numbered) order.
· Once a certain format has been used, however, it should be followed scrupulously and consistently.
· References to unpublished work should only be sparingly used and should appear only in the text. In such cases the author’s initials should be included.
· References to papers appearing in journals should include:
1. The last names and initials of all authors (the use of et al. is Unacceptable in the reference list).
2. The year of publication (this may be placed at the end).
3. The full title of the paper.
4. The abbreviated title of the journal.
5. The volume number.
6. The first page (or first and last pages); always maintaining uniformity.
· If reference is made to more than one paper by the same author or authors, they should be listed chronologically.
· References to books and monograms should include:
1. The last names and initials of all authors (the use of et al. is unacceptable in the reference list).
2. The year of publication (this may be placed at the end).
3. The full title of the book.
4. The number of the edition unless it is the first.
5. The number of the page or pages quoted from.
6. The name of the publisher.
7. The city or cities of publication.
· One of the acceptable formats is the alphabetical one in which:
1. References are arranged alphabetically in the reference list without numbering them.
2. In the text, quote the authors’ last name(s) and year of publication enclosed within parentheses.
3. If the author’s name appears as part of the text, his (their) names are not included within the parenthetical citation, the year only being enclosed within parentheses.
Alphabetical (Journals in List)
· Smith, A.B. and Jones, C.D. (1998): The structure of the human tooth. J. Dent. Res., 76 (2) : 22-25. OR:
· Smith, A.B. and Jones, C.D.: The structure of the human tooth.J. Dent. Res., 76 : 22-25, 1998
Alphabetical (books in List)
· Smith, A.B. and Jones, C.D. (1998): Dental Histology, p 255, Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, Edinburgh, New York, Melbourne.
· Smith, A.B. and Jones, C.D.: Dental Histology, p 255, Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, Edinburgh, New York, Melbourne, 1998.
Alphabetical (in Text)
· It has been shown that human enamel is prismatic (Smith and Jones 1998).
· Smith and Jones (1998) stated that human enamel is prismatic.
Alphabetical Numbered
· Another acceptable format is the alphabetical numbered one in which:
1. References are arranged alphabetically in the reference list and are also numbered.
2. In the text, only the reference number is given within or without parentheses in superscript.
Alphabetical Numbered (in List)
· 22. Smith, A.B. and Jones, C.D. (1998): The structure of the human tooth. J. Dent. Res., 76 : 22-25. OR:
· 22. Smith, A.B. and Jones, C.D.: The structure of the human tooth. J. Dent. Res., 76 : 22-25, 1998.
Alphabetical Numbered (in Text)
· It has been shown that human enamel is prismatic(22).
Sequential (Numbered Only)
· The third acceptable format is the sequential one (Numbered only) in which:
1. References are arranged and numbered in the reference list in the order in which they are mentioned in the text.
2. In the text, the reference number is given within or without parentheses in superscript. In this case, reference numbers in the text should proceed in sequence except when a reference is cited for a second or more times.
Sequential (Numbered) (in List)
· Smith, A.B. and Jones, C.D. (1998): The structure of the human tooth. J. Dent. Res., 76 (2) : 22-25. OR:
· Smith, A.B. and Jones, C.D.: The structure of the human tooth. J. Dent. Res., 76 : 22- 25, 1998.
Sequential (in text)
· It has been shown that human enamel is prismatic(4).
· Smith and Jones(4) stated that human enamel is prismatic.