The Biological Effects of Coral with Adipose Derived Stem Cells on Mandibular Bony Defect in Albino Rats.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Demonstrator of Oral Biology at Faculty of Dentistry, Horus University, Egypt.

2 Assistant Professor of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University, Egypt.

3 lecturer at oral biology department faculty of dentistry mansoura university egypt


Objective: To evaluate the biological effects of coral scaffold with or without adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) on healing of bony defects in albino rats.
Methods: Fifty four male albino rats weighing approximately 250-300 gm were selected and randomly divided into 3 groups. Each rat received one bone defect on the left side of mandible near the diastema. The defects were either left empty (group A) n=18, treated with coral only (group B) n=18 or received a combination of coral and adipose derived stem cells (group C) n=18 which were harvested from the rats peri renal region. Bone healing was evaluated using heamatoxylin and eosin and trichrome stain, then the results were subjected to digital image analysis followed by one- way ANOVA statistical analysis.
Results: Bony defects received the combination of coral scaffold and stem cells show better healing in respect to the quantity and the quality of the newly formed bone.
Conclusion: ADSCs loaded onto coral granule scaffold have ameliorating effect on the repair of the mandibular defects in rat model.
