Protective role of royal jelly to alleviate side effects of chemotherapy on submandibular salivary glands of albino rats (Histological and Electron Microscopic Study)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Oral biology department Faculty of Dental Medicine for Girls AL-Azhar University

2 Lecturer of Oral biology department Faculty of Dental Medicine for Girls AL-Azhar University.


Chemotherapeutic agent induces severe tissue injury. Royal jelly has beneficial biological effects. Aim: To evaluate the protective role of royal jelly on salivary glands of rats treated with cytarabine. Methods: 21 male albino rats were divided into three groups. Group I (control group) normal without any medication. Group II (cytarabine group) at dose 100mg/kg/ I.P. Group III (cytarabine & Royal jelly group) was administrated royal jelly prior to cytarabine injection. After 2weeks the submandibular glands were dissected and prepared for histological and electron microscopic (TEM) examinations. Results: Light microscopic examination of cytarabine group revealed deformity of the secretory portions with numerous intracellular vacuoles, deeply stained atrophied nuclei. Dilated excretory ducts with degenerated epithelial lining. Some secretory cells were degenerated. While Royal jelly treated group revealed well defined serous acini and well form striated ducts. TEM examination of cytarabine group revealed pyknotic nucli with nuclear polymorphism. Swollen mitochondria and dilated RER. Striated duct has ill-defined cell boundaries and cytoplasmic vacuolizations. These changes were improved at Royal jelly treated group. Conclusion: Administration of Royal jelly produced a protective effect against cytotoxic changes induced by chemotherapy in rat submandibular salivary glands.
