Panfacial Fracture Surgical Approach, Bottom Up– Outside In versus Top Down– Inside Out. Prospective Clinical Study.

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, Egypt


Objectives: the current study aim was to compare two surgery approaches, bottom-up outside-in and top-down inside-out, for the treatment of panfacial fracture.
Material & Methods: Twelve male panfacial fracture patients were randomly divided into two groups. Group 1 involved six patients treated in Bottom Up– Outside In sequence, and group 2 involved six patients treated in Top Down– Inside Out sequence. The treatment plan was set based on Computerized Tomography (CT) images. Clinical evaluation of final treatment outcome was reported postoperatively based on face outline, occlusion, mouth opening, and local deformity. Data was collected and analysed statistically.
Results: The final treatment outcome in each group was 83.7% excellent, and 16.3% good. Insignificant difference resulted between the study groups after postoperative assessment regarding the final treatment outcome (p=1.00), and the postoperative assessment of Paraesthesia (p=0.269).
Conclusion: the current study found that both bottom-up outside-in and top-down inside-out approaches for the treatment of panfacial fracture have similar clinical outcomes.


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