Metric and Non-Metric Dental Traits of Premolars with Root Canals Configuration among the Egyptians

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt


Objective: To evaluate and compare metric, non-metric dental traits with root canals configuration in Egyptian premolars.
Materials and methods: 200 extracted premolars were assorted in four groups; maxillary 1st (UP1), maxillary 2nd (UP2), mandibular 1st (LP1) and mandibular 2nd (LP2). Assessment of metric and non-metric dental traits with root canals configuration were performed. Metric data were statistically analyzed using F-one-way analysis of variance and Tukey's Post Hoc test, while Chi-square test for non-metric data and canals configuration.
Results: Root length/Crown height mean was significantly higher in 2nd than 1st premolars. Mesio-distal mean of UP1 was the highest, then mandibular premolars, then UP2. Bucco-lingual and inter-cuspal distance means of maxillary were larger than mandibular premolars. Distal accessory ridges occurrence was higher than mesial ridges, and showed higher values in 1st than 2nd premolars. Odontome only expressed in LP1. Mesial accessory cusps occurrence was lower than distal ones in UP1, while the UP2 showed only mesial cusps. The most common pattern was one lingual cusp and two lingual cusps in LP1 and LP2 respectively. The frequency of one-rooted maxillary premolars was higher than two-rooted ones. The occurrence of radicular groove was significantly higher in LP1 than LP2. The most common root canal anatomy was type IV in maxillary premolars. UP2 showed types XIII, XVI and XIX. Most of mandibular premolars exhibited type I. LP1 showed types IX and 1-3-2 canals.
Conclusion: There were differences in metric/non-metric dental traits and canals configuration between Egyptian premolars with difference in their expression amongst populations.


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