The Effect of Two Nano Proanthocyanidin-Based Dentin Biomodifiers on Micro Tensile Bond Strength of Dentin Treated with Two Adhesive Modes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Conservative Department, Faculty of Dentistry, the Egyptian Russian University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Professor, Conservative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry for Girls Al-Azhar University, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

3 Professor, Conservative Department, Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Sinai University, Al-Arish, North Sinai, Egypt

4 Instructor, Conservative Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Sinai University, Al-Arish, North Sinai, Egypt


Abstract Aim: The current study was performed to investigate the effect of using two nano PA-based cross-linkers on microtensile bond strength of superficial dentin to total-etch and self-etch adhesive modes using two nano proanthocyanidins cross-linkers in an attempt to improve the bond strength.
Materials and Methods: Sixty sound human molars were used in this study. Teeth were divided into3 main groups (n= 20) according to the cross-linker used. Group 1: Teeth treated with 1%nano pine bark extract gel. Group 2: Teeth treated with 1% nano cocoa seed extract gel. Group 3: Teeth had no treatment (control group). Each group was subdivided into two subgroups according to the adhesive system applied total-etch and self-etch. All specimens were subjected to a micro tensile bond strength test.
Results: The highest micro tensile bond strength values were recorded for group 1 either with total-etch mode (42.3±0.99) or with self-etch mode (34.49±1.05) with a significant difference between groups (p ≤ 0.05).
Conclusion: Natural dentin bio modifiers enhanced the micro tensile bond strength while the 1% nano pine bark uniquely affected the micro tensile bond strength.


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