Management of Gingival melanin hyperpigmentation using two surgical techniques (Clinical and histologic study)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Oral Medicine, Periodontology and Diagnosis, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Future University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Lecturer of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, British University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt


*Main purpose: to determine the best surgical technique for gingival melanin depigmentation.
Subjects and methods: sixteen subjects were included; eight of them will be treated by bur abrasion technique (group1) and the other eight will be treated by blade technique (group2).Parameters as melanin area fraction (MAF) and Dummet-gupta oral pigmentation index (DOPI)were recorded before and 3 months after treatment.

Results: Both groups showed decrease of MAF and DOPI values. Bur abrasion technique (Group 1) showed higher statistical significant decrease of MAF than blade scrapping technique(Group 2).

Conclusion: Bur abrasion technique is good alternative technique to blade scrapping technique.
Clinical relevance: Both bur abrasion and blade scrapping techniques are nearly equal effective techniques in managing of gingival melanin hyperpigmentation and the choice of either techniques only depends on clinical expertise and preference of the patient.
Financial support and sponsorship: Nil.
Conflicts of interest: Authors declare no potential conflict of interest.


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