Accuracy of two software using semi-automated segmentation of simulated bone defects

Document Type : Original Article


1 MD , Minia

2 Professor, Oral Maxillofacial Radiology Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Minia University, Minia, Egypt

3 Assistant Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Faculty Of Dentistry Minia Univeristy


Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of simulated osteolytic jaw lesions' volumes measured on 2 CBCT software using semiautomated segmentation.
Materials and methods: 8 simulated bone defects were cut at the cancellous bone of 2 human cadaveric mandibles. A replica was created to represent the actual size of the created defects. Then screening radiographs were taken for these defects. 2 software (were used to perform segmentation Ondemand and Mimics which were adaptable to the processing system.
Results: Linear regression models for studied methods in estimating impression volume were calculated. Pair-wise comparisons revealed no statistically significant difference between Mimics and OnDemand software.
Conclusion: A semiautomated method for CBCT images has several advantages over manual analysis; the risk of nonobjectivity and interobserver variability is greatly reduced by minimizing the active manual input of the user. Thus, Mimics is more reliable and accurate than OnDemand.
Odontogenic Cyst; Cyst Volume; Segmentation; Volume Analysis


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