Cone Beam Computed Tomographic Analysis of the Mental Foramen Relative to the Age and the Sex

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of oral and maxillofacial radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain-Shams University.

2 Lecturer of Oral and maxillofacial radiology, Faculty of dentistry, Cairo university


To analyze the mental foramen dimensions and location in relation to the age and the sex.
This study was done on 172 maxillofacial CBCT scans. Cases were analyzed from the archive of the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain-shams University, using On-Demand software. Osteometric analysis of the dimensions and position of the mental foramen was done vertically, horizontally, and in relation to the midline. Classification of the mandibular canal emerging types was determined.
The most common location of mental foramen was presented in between and below the apices of premolars. The mandibular canal was emerging most in straight and posterior directions. All variables were statistically insignificant except horizontal position types 2 (in line with 4) and 3(between 4 and 5). In correlation with sex, all quantitative variables were statistically insignificant except superior and inferior mental foramen measurements. In correlation with age, all variables were statistically insignificant except for inferior mental foramen measurement, relation to the midline, and the MF vertical dimension which all showed inverse correlation.
In the studied sample of the Egyptian population, the most common location of the MF horizontally is between the first and second premolars, and vertically below the apices of premolars, commonly emerging straight or posteriorly as a MC. Males have a specific MF pattern and location other than females. MF pattern and location have a weak correlation with age. The vertical position and the relation to the midline are significantly different between the right and left sides.


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