Assessment of the Accuracy of Two Different Scanning Approaches For The Auricular Defect

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Prosthodontics,Faculty of Dentistry,Tanta University

2 Lecturer of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University, Egypt


Aim: The objective of the current study was to compare the accuracy of digital impression technique for auricular defects using two different techniques. The study aims to determine which digital impression can provide comparable or superior accuracy, precision, and reliability.
Materials & Methods: seven patients with auricular defects were selected from the outpatient Prosthodontic clinic seeking auricular prostheses. For each patient three digital impressions were taken for the auricular defect: the first was taken by IOS without resin markers, The second was taken by IOS with placement of similar resin marker, the third was taken by IOS with placement of dissimilar resin marker. The accuracy of both techniques (intraoral scanning with similar or dissimilar markers) can then be assessed by comparing those scans with intraoral scanning without resin markers using Meshcompare software.
Results: highly significant differences were recorded in between both techniques concerning total 3d dimensional deviation.
Conclusion: IOS with dissimilar resin skin markers can produce a much more accurate and cost-effective digital impressions for auricular defects.
Clinical Significance: The digital intraoral scanning of the auricular defect side with skin markers offers a fast accurate technique for the rehabilitation of ear defects, permitting a base for additional investigations in the field of maxillofacial prosthodontics.


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