The accuracy of using CBCT in working length determination versus electronic device.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Endodontics department, Ain-shams university, Cairo, Egypt

2 Endodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University


Introduction: Working length determination consider a critical importance for a successful endodontic outcome. Various techniques employed to ascertain the working length involve tactile sensation, electronic apex locator, conventional radiography, as well as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).
Aim: To evaluate the accuracy of tooth length measurements utilizing electronic apex locator and CBCT scans to the physical tooth length.
Methods: The research involved 10 individuals, after detailed explanation of our study design had been provided, 4 patients refused and patients agreed were 6 patients with total 17 teeth included in the study, 5 lower central incisors, 7 lower lateral incisors and 5 lower canines teeth. All the patients had received a CBCT. Scans were evaluated by an experienced technician, who wasn’t involved in any steps of the study.
Results: A statistically significant distinction was observed among the measurements obtained from both EALs and the actual tooth length but lower than those given by electronic apex locator with both software systems used. However, there is an advantage of sidexis software system over the galaxis software system. In addition to that, there was significant variation among the measurements obtained from the CBCT scans and the EALs.
Conclusion: EALs was more reliable tool for WL determination in comparison to physical method. CBCT less accurate than apex locator for endodontic length determination within the limitation of this physical method. Static navigation software more accurate in working length determination than regular viewing CBCT software.


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