Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Green Eco-Friendly Dentistry Among Dentists: A Cross-Sectional Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor, Pediatric Dentistry and Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Associate professor, Restorative and Dental Materials, Oral and Dental Research Institute, National Research Centre, and Conservative Dentistry, New Giza University, Giza, Egypt.


Background: Green dentistry is a new concept that aims to implement the principles of reducing, recycling, and reusing to preserve the environment and help in reducing global warming. Dental profession is considered one of the sources of increased waste. The knowledge of health professionals, including dentists, regarding green dentistry is variable.
Aim: Is to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of dentists regarding green eco-friendly dentistry.
Participants and Methods: An online google form self-administered questionnaire adopted by Nagarale et al., 2022 to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of dentists regarding green eco-friendly dentistry. The results of the questionnaire were obtained, statistically analyzed and scores for the different questions’ responses were obtained.
Results: Answers were obtained from 302 participants. More than half (187, 61.9%) had poor knowledge score. The mean participants' knowledge score was 4.8±2.2 (range 0-12). Good-fair attitude was reported by the majority (301, 99.67%). The mean participants' attitude score was 17.8±2.06 (range 11-25). While there were bad practices (246, 81.5%), with mean practice score as 2.3±1.3 (range 0-7).
Conclusion: Participants had poor knowledge, good-fair attitudes, and bad practices regarding green dentistry concepts. Consequently, more awareness for dentists is needed.


Main Subjects