Myofascial pain treatment; local anesthesia injection versus corticosteroids. (ramdomized controlled clinical trial)

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University


Myofascial trigger points are one of the most common etiologies of orofacial pain. Although being quite simple to diagnose and easily detected it is eventually a difficult disease that poses a challenge for clinicians. The aim of this study is to evaluate the benefits of combining corticosteroids with local anaesthesia in management of myofascial trigger points. This study was conducted on 30 patients randomly allocated into either the control or the intervention groups. The results of the primary outcome stated an improvement in the pain score for both groups without statistical difference, and the secondary outcome reported an improvement of the MMO for both groups with better results for the intervention over the control groups despite also falling to be statistically non-significant. Concluding that Corticosteroid adjunction with local anaesthesia resulted in better pain and MMO results than the use of LA alone for the management of MTrPs.
