The influence of splinting abutments in acquired maxillary defects on biting force


Lecturer of Removable Prosthodontics Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of splinting abutments in patients with acquired maxillary defects on biting forces using electronic load sensor device.
Materials and methods: Ten patients complaining from hemimaxillectomy were selected .they were divided into two group, the first group received definitive obturator and the second received definitive obturator with splinting the remaining teeth. The biting force were measured using I Load digital sensor
Results : The results revealed that the splinting group record increasing in biting force than the unsplinting group. All The patient of the splinting obturator was satisfied with their obturators.
Conclusion: Splinting the remaining teeth in hemimaxillectomy patient provide more bite force and more patient satisfaction.