Keywords = metal
Comparative stress analysis study between different coping materials in complete overdenture cases (An in-vitro study)

Volume 70, Issue 2, April 2024, Pages 1683-1691

Sahar Ahmed Ghorab; Mohamed Zawahry; Engy Hussein Mahmoud

Metal versus poly ether-ether Ketone secondary copings for rigid telescopic retained implant supported mandibular over dentures. Evaluation of clinical retention forces

Volume 66, Issue 3 - July (Fixed Prosthodontics, Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Materials), July 2020, Pages 1769-1778

shahinaz sayed mohamed; Amr Emarah

Metal versus Poly ether-ether ketone (PEEK) framework reinforcements for maxillary palateless ball retained implant overdentures. One year clinical and radiographic outcomes

Volume 66, Issue 3 - July (Fixed Prosthodontics, Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Materials), July 2020, Pages 1817-1828

Sahar Ahmed Kortam