Effect of two different Overdenture attachments on the biting force and occlusal force distribution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer, Removable Prosthodontics Department, faculty of dentistry, Cairo University

2 Lecturer, Removable Prosthodontics Department, faculty of dentistry, Ain Shams University


Objective: This study compared and evaluated the effect of two different implant retained Mandibular Overdenture attachments on the biting force and occlusal force distribution.
Materials and Methods: Fourteen completely edentulous male patients were selected and two implants were inserted for each patient. After 3 months of installation Patients were randomly divided into two equal groups: Group (I): Patients received conventional complete maxillary dentures opposed by Mandibular over dentures supported and retained by two conventional implants using ball attachment Group (II): Patients received conventional complete maxillary dentures opposed by Mandibular over dentures supported and retained by two conventional implants using locator attachment. Biting force was evaluated using I load star sensor. At time of prosthesis insertion, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months. The T-Scan III digital occlusal system was used to record anterior and posterior percentage occlusal force (%OF) distribution.
Results: The result was revealed that there was no statistically significant difference in biting force and occlusal force distribution between the two different attachments (locator attachment and ball attachment) in retained Mandibular Overdenture.
